This day in Wrestling HIstory

This day 16 years ago a match happend for both the first and the last time as Ian Rotten vs Axl Rottan in a Taipei Death Match. If you don't know what, this is I will explain it both the guys dip their hands then dip their hands in glass. This match quickly became the reason why I became interested in ECW as it was something that was never done before. Ian & Axl bloddied each other all throughout that summer with barbedwire bat match & other brutal matches after they lost disband match vs the Pitbulls. Which Axl won after one of the more brutal matches that have ever seen.(Nerd Note: Future manager Bill Alfonso was the ref for some of this match before leaving the arena.) This match has only happened one other time both these guys in a rematch at one of the ECW reunion shows but this match is very brutal don't believe me go on YouTube and watch it go ahead


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