WWE work or real

Yesterday on RAW CM Punk cut probably the most talk about promo in WWE for a very long time. if you missed follow the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZ9LeiMkwYE.    I agree 100% with everything punk said and that would amazing if he goes back to ROH i am actually thinking about ordering the WWE ppv even though i know what will happend just to see what punk may do that night. As nobody in WWE history has ever left the company with the World title before and i dont see it happening now as Vince has played by a certain book for long that it wouldnt make sense to change now. But back to the big new Punk's promo weather it was real or scripted well not to pop the bubble and or the hopes and dreams of any of you but it was what they call in the buisness a worked shoot. Which means it was a shoot or a rant but it was also scripted for him to say it. By the way weather it was real or not i agree with what he said because Hogan, Rock, & Cena are all ass kissers thats why they were such big stars in the WWE not so much rock cause he had the talent to make it with out kissin vinces ass. But Cena & Hogan no way could make it with out kissing someones ass and you can also refer to Hogan, Cena, & as he said John Lauranitis (director of talent relations) are yes man yo vince onlying telling him what he wants to hear. Finally Punk is right he is better then John Cena but WWE booking not only books punk, Miz, & booked Batista, & Edge to look inferior to cena, and many others over the years which wasnt the case as all of those guys i just named are better then cena in the ring, & on the mic. I know i am going to get a comment either here or on FB that i just did this because i hate Cena; well No your wrong i dont hate cena the person i just hate who he is on TV their is some argument about what punk kept saying that he is the best in the world well maybe he isnt the best in the world but is definetly in the top 5. In closing punk's promo last night was better than any promo far in the last 5-7 years which shows how plain the promo's have been over the last 5-7 years but punk saved it last night really enjoyed it a lot hope he leaves with the belt. With more info i found out that the promo was inprovised by and he would be cut off when creative thought he was going to far.


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