Politics A game or a Career Killer

Politics not the stuff that insights arguments all over America yes there is a different form of politics other than the one that is goverment invovled and it takes place backstage in wrestling companies throught the US. Running rampted really only in WWE nowadays as many guys have been a victim of the political game but not just in the WWE in WCW as well and it kills careers. Just because someone is not like by a top guy doesnt mean he cant get pushed it showed be based off the reaction you get on TV and how you do in the ring not on who you know backstage. As this way of thinking has caused many very talented people to not make the money they should like Maven, Kofi Kingston, Zack Ryder, Sprit Squad, Nexus, Sheamus, Jeff Jarett, & many others a majority in the WWE but still exsisted in WCW. Vince & his high ranking not executives but his top stars have been deciding who makes it and how far they go for a very long time since around the time he became a superpower in the wrestling world which is not fair. Its ok for vince to decide it but not the active wrestler as why would they allow someone to take their spot so they make sure nobody can or they why to an executive to tear the guy down get them fired which is what happend to Maven & Curt Henning both guys got into it with top guys and they ended upp getting fired. I feel if you dont need it in the smaller companies then what give wwe the right to have it they are not god its bulls**** as far as i am concerned if they were smart they would try it to add roster depth and so they dont end up like WCW because they allow active wrestler to decide the outcomes of peoples career and honestlly i hope they do cause that would prove politics doesnt work. Finally if you still dont get it why do you think Ryder is not the push he deserves or Bourne or Kofi or Sheamus & why do you think the top guys in WCW never put anyone below them over simple politics and other question please leave at the bottom as a comment thank you for reading this i know it was long


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