This day in Wrestling History

Today 9 years ago the second of the WCW replacement came in as Total Non-Stop Action with there founders the Jarretts had their first show. (Nerd Note: Ring Of Honor was the first company to come in after the ending of WCW as they came in Feburary of that year.) As it was important for TNA to get off on the right foot and it didnt as prior to the show going on the air during the dark match one of the ropes broke as a heavy man whos name eludes me ran into the ropes and the rope broke. This forced them to shuffle the script and quick to get the ring fixed before the show starts so then the entire ring crew runs down and works quick to get the ring fixed just in the knick of time. As if you look close at the opening to the ppv you can see the Harris Brothers going up the side ramp showing how close they were to show time. Harris Bros were not on the ring crew they just came out to help. They did suffle some things around doing non-wrestling segment first then, getting into the ring with first match in TNA history which was a tag team match AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn & Low Ki vs Jimmy Yang, Sonny Siaki, & Jorge Estrada. The Flying Elvis Won or Estrada, Yang, & Siaki. The night was main evented by a World Title Battel Royal (Nerd Note: the battel royal took place because the Champion Dan Severn could not show due to an MMA comitment) which had final two go into a one on one match with a guest ref who was Ricky Steamboat and the final two were Mailce (Jerry Tutite aka The Wall) & Ken Shamrock. Shamrock won the match and was the first champion and celebrated with steamboat to end the first TNA show this day 9 years ago.


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