This Day In Wrestling History

June 2nd 2003
This is what the story read one of the greats, a very classiy man passes away today he was 85 and he is a former prowrestler & manager named Freddrick Blassie. He also one of the few wrestlers actually to have served in the military which he did for 42 months during WW2 where he gained the honor of being Petty Officer Second Class. He is also known for coming up with his catchphrase Listen Up Pencil Neck Geek which he used to describe fellow carny performer "The Geek"
During his wrestling career he acculated awards/championships everywhere he went from all the territories He won 12 Tag Team Titles, A 29 time World & Junior Heavyweight champion. Also some other achievements are the Stanley Weston Award from PWI, indction into the WWE, Wrestling Observer, & Pro Wrestling Hall of Fame also some other distinctions that if you want to find out search him on google to find more
Fred Blassie left behide a very nice and respected legecy in the hearts and minds of all his fans i hope i educated you at least a little bit on the career of one of the greatest and think there is only one other thing to say "Listen Up You Pencil Neck Geek"


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