This day in Wrestling History

This day 75 years ago in Atlanta Georgia was the first Steel Cage match. The match was between Jack Bloomfield & Count Petro Rossi and jack won the match not like anybody actually knows that though. The match was called a Chicken Wire Match, the next one wasnt until 1942 in Canada when John Katan defeated Ignacio Martinez in the fiirst one north of the border. At that point the cage was only 6 feet high. The first WWE Steel Cage took place in 1975 with Lou Albano vs Bruno Samartino and Bruno won the match. Then you also have the famous Jimmy Snuka vs Don Muraco in 1983 at Madison Square Garden, when Snuka dove off the cage onto to Muraco (nerd note: this help make foley's decision that when he becomes a pro he would do somthing like that as he was in the auidence to see that match.) The first TNA steel cage was between Triple X & Americas Most Wanted it saw AMW do their tag move off the top of the cage and win the match. Last highlight was when WWE did Raw Roulette and had the first ever Womens Steel Cage match between Lita & Victoria and Lita won
this day 75 years ago Wrestling Made History


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