PPV Predictions

This is a new page if gets a good response i will do it more than just this once. As tomorrow is probably the biggest ppv for the small company out of Bristol PA as they show who maybe BEST IN THE WORLD with these matches.

DVD extra: Generation Me vs Adam Cole & Kyle O Riley
i think Cole and o Riley give gen me a run for their money but come up short in the end and get put over by gen me post match and i predict a lot of anti TNA chants for this match.
Homicide vs Rhino w/ The Embassy Street Fight
I see this match as being late in the card because of the fact that its a street fight i don't see rhino winning only because as far as i know he is just there for the night so homicide wins but the embassy get after post match.
Special Challenge 1
"The Prodigy" Mike Bennett vs Jay Lethel
i think this is one of his more tougher opponents since he debuted but i see the prodigy staying unbeaten. I do hope though this means that jay will be coming back ROH more often and i see a lot of anti TNA chants for this match to.
Special Challenge Match 2
Steve Corino w/ Jimmy Jacobs vs Michael Elgin w/ Truth Martini
i see this being one of the more talked about matches because of the possibility of seeing Kevin Steen's return do i see steen returning no most likely not because, of the small amount of time that has past since his departure in December. Do i see him factoring into the match in some way yes as i see his theme playing and distracting elgin who then get rolled up by corino for the win
World TV Title Match
(c)Christopher Daniels w/ Truth Martini vs El Generico
this will be separate from the HOT'S other match so truth isn't out their twice in a row. But i unfortunately see Daniels leaving with the gold still around his waist because of a distraction from truth generico does good in the match but as i said and Daniels hit the wings for the win.
4 way tag team match for the ROH Tag Team Titles
(c) Wrestling Greatest Tag Team (Hass & Benjamin) vs Kings Of Wrestling vs Briscoes vs All Night Express (King & Titus) this match being one of the longer matches because unlike the other companies ROH still spotlights their Tag division and all in it. I see all teams come close to winning but Hass & Benjamin  will come out the winner
Main Event ROH WORLD Title
Davey Richards vs Eddie Edwards
this match maybe a match of the year at the end because of the match they had last year and that was for the TV belt imagine what they are going to put into a match for the world title. This match is probably the most talk about/hyped world title matches i have seen in a long time and i love it. Toughest match to decide a winner as i can see both guys winning since Eddie hasn't had the belt that long, and also Davey said if he doesn't win the this time he'll never challenge for it again so i think go with Davey finally becoming the Best IN the World and winning the belt and taking ROH into the new stage but also i see Eddie winning the title back in the future.
first sorry bout the grammar if its not up to standards and also i will be doing a post ppv depending on the outcomes of the matches and the surprise in the next couple of days. AND most may do it the day of the show but i wanna do it the day before to be unique


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