History of TNA part 1

TNA one of the many promotions to come in after WCW folded in March of 2001 but they did come in until a year later. On a fishing trip in 2001; Bob Ryder, Jeff, & Jerry Jarrett talked about starting a wrestling company Jeff was the only one who took it seriously and after the trip he started to try and put it together with the help of his father and friends in the business. June of 2002 there first show or PPV were they had the NWA World Title on the line (they were under the NWA banner until 2007) in a Battle royal because then champion Dan Severn could not make the show so he was striped of the belt.

And new champion Ken Shamrock was crowned. As an extension of the NWA, TNA quickly established themselves as the alternative to the WWE then the only superpower in the United States with stars like Aj Styles, Christopher Daniels, Chris Harris, James Storm, Michael Shane, Frankie Kazarian, & etc. It was basically anyone that WWE felt didn't fit the mold they had made for their superstars so TNA took them. The upstarts and vets fought in unique matches like King Of The Mountain, Ultimate X, Orange House of Fun Match, Hard 10 tournament, Cage Matches with a twist. Matches like those helped TNA get on the map and by 2004 they were on Fox Sports Network performing with a four sided ring why does this matter cause a few years later they did something else that would make them unique they made a six sided ring. Which has never been done before in the US so they became different

By  2005 the only problem was the money which is the same with any company, to try an help that they make such matches like Joe vs Styles vs Daniels, or just Daniels vs Joe or AJ vs Joe. But also around this time another problem began to happened they started taking WWE stars after they got released from their contracts like the Dudley Boys, Rhino, Christian, Shawn Davari, Jeff Hardy, & Gail Kim. This was big deal because that it when TNA started to push talent that got from outside instead of pushing those already their or even making it balanced between the two.
Part 2 of the History of TNA will be up at a later date


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