Is the Heat deserved

As many have come to know i blog the truth no lies here everything i have written is from prior knowledge i just don't report my sources with it. Well before the news gets old i want to give my thoughts on it, it being the Zack Ryder story that surfaced earlier this week from when WWE was on Long Island for RAW. As most know the LI is Zack's hometown and he was not booked or seen on RAW he was on superstars and may have gotten the biggest pop in superstars history. Even before the show all you heard was we want Ryder when superstars was about to start we want Ryder heck during raw we want Ryder and not once did Ryder appear like i said. The story is that Vince doesn't like the Internet but also doesn't like the fact that Zack is making jokes about the fact that WWE never uses him which he should not be mad at Zack because of something that he & his team don't do Zack is telling the truth and in the process is getting over on his own and with the corporate machine. Which he should be praised for it not get heat for it as he is doing what your suppose to do and that get over i also heard that he was taken off the show because they were afraid he would taken pop away from people that they are actually to get pop pushing through corprate machine which isnt right and reminds me of somthing that happend in WCW (nerds note: Lodi was the sign guy in Raven's Flock) while in WCW Raven was treated different then ECW as he wasnt a top star but still had the nest and was getting decent heat from the fans because of lodi and his signs and they sit at ringside for the entire show so they were getting more heat then creative wanted them to so they broke them up stop it which is exactlly what WWE is doing with zack they are preventing him from getting heat or pop by not allowing him to appear on the show. In his hometown and with the support of many many former world champions and future world champions like Jericho, Cena, Orton, Edge, Whipwreck, Ziggler, Barrett, Hawkins, Austin, Venis & many other superstars yet the political juggernot doesnt push him to quote Hurricane "Whats Up wit tat." WWE doesnt want to push zack cause they are afraid of how good is merch sales will do if they promote them and they dont want him to over take cena as the top merch seller and that the truth WWWYKI Bro!!!!!!!!!!


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