Scouting Report

Alberto Del Rio
getting better on the mic
great ground game
In My Opinion Best Feuds: Angle, Konnan, Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Cena or Orton
From San Luis Potosi Mexico he was born into royalty being born into one the most known Wrestling families in Mexico named the Rodriguez Family. Nephew of WWE Legend Mil Mascaras, & Mexican Star Sicodelico, he is also the son of known luchadore Dos Caras. Which was one of his names when he first came to WWE as Dos Caras Jr a tribute to his dad. He is also the first member of his family to a heel in Mexico.
Debuting in the WWE just last year August to be specific against Rey Mysterio he showed he was not a guy to be taken lightly as he beat rey with a cross armbreaker. Less than a year later he is in the Royal Rumble and wins it elminating Santino showing that he has a bright future ahead of him in this company. I think its only a matter of time till Del Rio wins the world title and relizes his destiny but you already knew that.


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