Histroy of TNA Part 3

As we move on towards the end of 2007 things are still going great for TNA they get there most watched ppv when Angle vs Joe but somthing still isnt clicking. They are still were they once were what has to happend for them to break through sign a big name no done that, marque matches no had them, interesting storylines not really, maybe there is somthing their um maybe the booker who was it oh yah i think Dutch Mantel and Vince Russo to guys with zero experience of booking anything successfull so why put them in charge because the person in charge has know idea what she/he is doing there or they would have noticed his past track record and not put him in charge. Continue to push the X-division & Samoa Joe cause why mess with a good thing but they didnt someone in charge did cause this one founder was takin off the road by the president for doing things i'd rather not discuss in this article or on this site for that matter. So now its up to the president what happends so she starts appearing to thank the fans no problem there but the problem is when she keeps bring people in instead of focusing on the guys that are there already which is still there problem now and are still not learning.
By 2008 TNA lost Jeff Jarrett, Jeff Hardy, & Christian 2 of them back to the WWE the other one still on with the company but still somthing must be wrong if you can lose two of your top guys to the "competition" without a fight. The one thing that is done right this year is finally Joe wins the title from Kurt Angle at Lockdown then he feuds with Booker T another former WWE superstar just to debut with the company. Also around this time the pushing of Robert Roode started as he was first to feud with Booker T and also was in the KOTM that year as well but the big point was that year is when Beer Money started near the end of course. As they had nothing else for both Storm & Roode so they teamed them up it was supposed to be for a short time but the stayed for a while. Now Things are back to normal in TNA getting better again feud with Joe & Booker over the belt Sting coming back and leaving every so often but another thing is missing that one thing that shot in the arm and it came in 2008 at the vegas show with the Main Event Mafia (Angle,Nash,Booker T, Stiener,Sting) though some consider the storyline to be a knock off the a past russo storyline it worked especially bring in the originals to feud with them what could go wrong but as it has became accustomed to with TNA expect the unexpected


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