Interview with AAW COO Kevin Harvey

Where do you see AAW in the next 12 months??
Kevin:  I believe AAW will continue to grow. We've only run two shows outside our normal home base in Berwyn. Both shows have been successful. I would love to see us continue this success and continue to have bigger and better events and more on iPPV as well.
Larger events and iPPV are key ingredients in our plans to reach a larger fan base. We have been called "professional wrestling's best kept secret" by fans at out events. We intend to get the secret out

In 12 months, we'll still be the same company doing what we do best, just on a slightly larger scale. With iPPV just starting to roll and our pending exposure in The Smashing Pumpkins' Owata" music video, our exposure to the world is only improving
How did you get into the business???
Kevin: I got into wrestling with a combination of dumb luck and persistence.
How long have you been a fan??
Kevin: I've been a fan of wrestling since I was about 8 years old. WWF was the flavor of choice. In fact, it was the only choice where I grew up in Climax, MI.
When did you start in the business???
Then, my Freshman year at Western Michigan University, I heard a radio ad for an independent promotion Real American Wrestling. I went to their show and they had a local DJ ring announcing who was terrible.
I have been doing sports announcing since i was 15 and always used a style I thought would cross over to ring announcing very easily. So, I talked to the promoters, sent them a demo tape, and April 24, 1999 my journey in professional wrestling began in Bangor, MI.
Growing up did u have anyone in the buisness that made u say i want to do that be like him & if so have u met them???
Kevin: When it comes to ring announcing, Howard Finkel is and always will be the man. I haven't been lucky enough to meet Howard in person up to now. As far as wrestlers, I've met most of the major players from my youth. If most cases, I've had the honor of sharing the stage with them at some point in the last 13 years.
How did you get into AAW???
My arrival was through effective networking over a number of years. In November 2006, I found myself in need of a new, home promotion. I made a phone call on a Friday night to an old friend with some pull in AAW. Saturday night, I began with the company.
Is their anyone on the circut that aaw is eyeing to come in. In the future
Kevin: Right now, there are a lot of talents under consideration. I've heard from a lot of fans from talking to them at shows or getting emails at
They've given us a lot of names to consider. We are reaching out to some of those people with whom we are already familiar and seeking out footage of those we may not have seen.
Want to learn more about Wrestling Best Kept Secret!!!!!


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