WWE PPV's Predictable or Not

With WWE's ppv Capitol Punishment being last night i figured it would be a good time to do this post. In my opinion the WWE ppv's have got very predictable with most matches like last night I dont know about you guys, but i thought a victory from Cena,Orton, Punk, & Ziggler; were obvious and i will tell you why. First, Cena he was versing truth to me it doesnt take a brian surgen to see that though truth is getting very heavily still he needs a little more for that big of a win. Also last time I checked even when Cena won the belt for the first time he kept for longer than 2 defenses like it has been. Next, is Orton who most people probably thought his match could either way but, I knew he was going win because they just turned christian heel and they are not going to give him the big win this early in his change. Punk's match was also obvisious good but, still obvisous because of the fact that his contact is expiring so winning would keep him happy and may make him a little more prone to stay (Site Note: if you dont know what i am talking about a blog from ealier this will help its called Punk or being Punked it while back it will give insight into what i am talking about.) And Finally the US title match as it wasnt as obvious as the other but i could tell because of the that kofi held the belt for that someone new would get the title very soon from him. I didnt know it would dolph but still once i saw dolph his challenger i new going into the ppv that we would have a new champion. But, the other matches on the card which were Swagger vs Bourne, Riley vs Miz, & Jackson vs Barrett i was surprised by the winner of the match so you guys tell me are they predictable or not i gave you my opinion now you give me yours leave a comment here or on facebook


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