This Day in Wrestling History

This day 10 years ago WWE held the annual King of the Ring Tournament which was won by edge. But also had the infamous Street Fight between Kurt Angle vs Shane McMahon. (Infamous b/c it is or was featured in the Don't try this at home ad which aired before all DVD/VHS.) Also on that night it had a 3 way for the World  Title between Steve Austin vs Chris Benoit vs Chris Jericho leading into the match people thought because of their roots winning the title would lead Benoit or Jericho to jump to the WCW. Though they didn't win or jump ship something else did happened and it was the 5 time 5 time 5 time WCW champion who had an impact in the match making his debut by bookending Austin through one of the announcers tables.
Which this wasnt the first attack as WCW had be at large in the WWE for months as the WCW/ECW went out of buisness months before and WWE got both companies and did this for more money. With the first person being Mike Awsome who attacked Hardcore champion Rhino during a match at MSG in i think march of 01.


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