Once Steen Always Steen

Kevin Steen appeared on ippv this afternoon at the ROH Best in the World show which this was the first time since he was fired back in december. Kevin hopped the rail after the Elgin vs Corino match to help steve & jimmy, who were being attacked by elgin this lead to kevin hopping the rail and, attacking elgin after he had enough superkicking him and sending him on his way. Almost immedietly after elgin leaves out comes ROH officals to take steen out of the arena but steve got on the mic and started the chant let him talk. Which they did and kevin thanked a few people like Carey (ROH President), James Cornette, & the new owners at Sinclair as well as the fans. But then out of the blue he says what i have to say wont take long f*** ROH then proceeded to attacked steve then be escorted from the arena. Cornette said after he promises on his mothers grave thats the last steen will be in or at an ROH event the crowd booed. Escorting steen out and saying he will never be at another ROH show for a long time.
I wonder if this will hold up or will steen show up sooner then later maybe at the first tv taping never know with ROH!!!!!


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