This Day in Wrestling History

Today is both a joyful day and a sad for many reasons first the happy news. Today both Brad Armstrong and Scott Norton celebrate there birthdays. Flash Norton as some call him turns 53 today he as far as i know is done with his wrestling career though better known in Japan as he is a muti-time title holder in Japan but also never held a title on USA soil the only thing he is remebered for in the US is being a member of the NWO. Brad Armstorng known to most as his real name but known to some as a member of the famous Armstrong family with brother of Steve, former WWE/TNA Superstar Brian Armstrong (Road Dogg/BG James), & Currrent WWE Ref Scott. But today Brad turns 50 years old and he is also the of WWE Hall of Famer Bullet Bob Armstrong. Few highlights in his career winning titles in WCW, SMW (Nerd Note: Smokey Mountain Wrestling Owned by James Cornette until 1995), USWA, & UWF also many other places throught the states.
Today is also a sad day cause this day 4 years ago Wrestling lost one of the best valets ever i guess you could say she was Sensational cause that what they called as i am speaking of Sherri Martel. After she relized wrestling was not her true calling she became her true calling the valet to some of the top stars in WWE, WCW, ECW, & AWA throught her very lengthy career.
She managed the likes of Harlem Heat, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, Ted Dibiase, Shane Douglas, Pretty Boy Doug Somer & Buddy Rose, & Macho Man Randy Savage and many others as well.


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