This Day in Wrestling History

This day 6 years ago was a landmark night in the buisness as for the first time since its closing their was a tribute show to ECW Hardcore Homecoming. In the arena they put on the map many years before those same guys the likes of Kronus, Sabu, Sandman, Francise Shane Douglas, Terry Funk, and many other ECW alumni came. This night was headlined by an ECW original match the no rope Barbed Wire match combined with the match ECW made famous the 3 way dance invovling the guys who competed in the the first one Douglas, Funk & Sabu. unfortunally due to contractual obligations with the WWE many of the top stars from the original ECW did not or could not come like Heyman, Dreamer, Van Dam, Raven (he actually was with TNA) but i guess still.
I think even after all these years the ghost of thoe unforgetable moments, matches, & characters that have walked that arena are still there to this day i thats best part as one of the memories i remeber is when Raven & his nest crusified the Sandman put him on a cross and gave him a baredwire head piece to make it seem like he crucified him. A few other ones are when Tommy kept allowing the Sandman to wack him harder and harder with the cane coing the pharse thank you sir may i have another. Or when dean malenko & eddie guerrero got standing ovations because of how respected they were and seeing all the guys come out to send them off was great. In every arena that one chat can still be chanted anywhere especially in the building on the corner of Swason and Ritner in south philly ECW will not Die NO Matter who Tries to kill it!!!!!!!!
RIP to all those who passed away giving ECW the leagacy it still has today as you may be gone but never forgotten and
RIP ECW never to be replaced


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