TNA History Part 2

By the way something I neglected to say in part 1 was that it was in 2002 that panda energy became the major financial group for TNA & Dixie Carter being President. At the start of 2006 TNA had brought back Sting the same way they brought him back in March using the date and a little video for when he is returning which was at final resolution of that year to team with Christian vs Jarrett & Monty Brown. For those wondering i don't know who the Booker is at this point i just know former Booker's consist of Jeff & Jerry Jarrett, Jeremy Borash, Vince Russo (also the current one as well), & Abyss where all the Booker throughout the history of TNA. Also late this year one of their best feuds in TNA began and most hyped debuts this was of Kurt Angle though a former WWE talent he is still drawing power the feud was against up n comer Samoa Joe and his unbeaten streak. 
I just want to clarify this that this is not a bashing of TNA as you can tell from the paragraph above it is both bashing & applauding at the same time. TNA did do many things right at this point and looked to be moving in the right direction as a company by pushing what sells Christian as World Champion, AJ vs Joe vs Daniels for the X division title the future is bright for TNA or so we hoped. The pushing of Aj to get back to the main event also begins this year because of the momentum all 3 of those guys have been building for themselves and TNA. Also this year continues the obvious push for Joe to something big just what. Near the end of 2006 things are still good for TNA with Sting dropping the title to Abyss and a feud starting their & Angle giving Joe his first lose in almost about 2 years.
Moving into 2007 TNA continues to be unique by one turing their MOST MARKETABLE GUY (Aj Styles) at one point heel and also debuting a new match called Elevation X. Also begin Sting most brutal feud vs Abyss in matches people never would have pegged for sting to compete in. Last the X-division is still wildly popular and probably the most watched thing on the product.
But what do they do to mess up and fall so far back from where they are now find out in the History Of TNA Part 3


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