Scouting Report

CM Punk
great on mic
awesome on the mat
great in the ring
Best feuds he could have: orton, cena, miz, bryan, austin, hbk
One of the best in the WWE an one of the many that have been all over the world from Mexico to travels in Japan to Canada, to every state in the united states putting on show stealer everywhere he has been with the likes of Samoa Joe, Randy Orton, Chris Hero, Raven, & Colt Cabana (Scotty Goldman). Some of these people aren't not known to all but the people that aren't known are on the Indy circuit where punk made a name for himself first. But in the summer of 2005 he signed on with the WWE still competing as the ROH world champion see the connection. In August of that year he lost the title to former WWE superstar James Gibson aka Jamie Knoble.
Though a former world champion punk is actually one of the more underrated people on the WWE roster, as he is not featured as high as he should be. Because WWE doesn't believe he can lead a brand hence why he never has been the top heel in the company on his own nobody equal to him. Punk has the charisma and the talent to be the top heel or top face in any company, even the WWE.
Nerd Note: Punk's Pepsi Cola tattoo actually has a story behind it and it is when he was in college all his fraternity brothers got tattoos of beer brands so as a joke he got one of a soda brand instead, and it is also one of his signature moves the Pepsi plunge


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