This day in Wrestling History

This day 18 years ago Hulk Hogan fought at his last WWE PPV King of Ring 93 when he dropped the title to Yokozuna. 4 months prior hogan won the belt at Wreslemania 9 from yoko after yoko beat breat by cheating with the help of fuji. But at the KOTR it didnt play out the same as a "japanese camera man" blew a fire ball in hogans face which lead to yoko doing the legdrop on hulk and getting the win. (Nerd note: the camera guy was actually Harvey Whipelman).
After that show hogan baiscally left WWE and people though he was done but then 2 days off a year later Hulk does the unthinkable and signs with the WCW. Which on a technicallity was the first shot fired in the War between both companies. (Nerd Note: he came June 11th 1994 was the contract signing). Without hulk jumping ship there be NO NWO & therefore baiscally no Monday Night Wars. So thank you Hulk Hogan for making that decision actually could saved WCW if it didnt happend but thank you anyway
Also this day 2 years ago Austin Aries became the only 2 time ROH World Champion at Manhattan Mayham 3 beating Jerry Lynn & Tyler Black in a 3 way dance


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