This day in Wrestling History

This day 13 years ago this is going to be a shock WWE held another ppv and it was the King Of the Ring which Ken Shamrock won, but that wasnt the biggest thing on the show. Because the show was headlinded by a double main event with Undertaker vs Mandkind Hell in a Cell & Steve Austin vs Kane first blood for the world title. Kane won the world title after interference from undertaker with a steel chair and he went on to keep the belt for only 1 day losing the next day on RAW to Austin. The show stealer was the Third Hell in a cell in history between Mandkind & Undertaker and i am telling you if you have never seen this match then you need to watch it cause in my opinion not only on of the best in their feud but one of the better HIAC's ever. It was also unique being the only HIAC ever where both guys started on top of the cage, and though the match did start the bell did not ring till they got in side the cell which didnt happend until Mick fell 15ft twice. The first time they were on top of the cage, Taker sent Mick off the top through the announcers table on the floor & then after maybe 5-7 minutes mick get up off the streacher and is climbing the cage again. This time he gets chokeslammed through the cage to the mat below with the chair hitting him in the face and knocking one of his teeth out. (Nerd Note: it was actually half his tooth because half went up his nose from the fall.) Even after falling 15ft twice the match still went on with mick actually having some offense. The ending of the match was just as crazy as the match because for first time in WWE history to that point Thumbtacks were brought into the ring and used in the match as mick got chokeslammed and pinned on the tacks you dont believe me watch it yourself then watch it again cause you wont believe the first time you see it.


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