Post PPV Thoughts

As many saw last night in the post Once Steen Always Steen, Kevin Steen returned to ROH in a big way assulting both Michael Elgin, and Steve Corino. Prior to assulting Corino he shares his ture feeling about Ring Of Honor saying f*** ROH then being assulted from the arena.
With the predictions i made for the ppv i was wrong more then right as Steen did show up, Lethal beat Bennett ending the prodigy's unbeaten streak, & both of the House truth matches as i though elgin would lose and daniels win but it didnt pan out that way. As Daniels lost the TV belt to El Generico and Michael Elgin beats Corino and desemates Jimmy Jacobs after the almost putting him through the mat with a powerbomb. Also they had a match i didnt even know of between Tomasso Ciampa (w/ The Embassy) vs Colt Cabana, which tomasso won in a good match. The ppv was filled with moments and a matches never to be forgotten for a long time like what we saw in the Street Fight between Rhino & Homicide but, the show stealer the Main Event Davey Richards vs Eddie Edwards for the world title which Davey won. I think this ppv showed that ROH was the real deal, and is defenitly moving away from being just another indy promotion to becoming truly one of the top 3 promotions in the US all they need now is to be on TV again. Then it wont be comparing WWE & TNA it will be ROH & WWE as thats their next target. Also since from the match last night they probably nailed down the match of the year Davey vs Eddie.
I wasnt their but from all i read and heard its a must buy as ROH really out did themselves just keep your eyes on them cause the future is now and they are riding high.


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