What's Next!!!!!!

Earlier today I posted and said that later today I will be going off again on WWE for the reasons that surfaced last night from AW's firing. First I am well aware that I never or try to never curse on this site but if I do in this post I apologize in advanced for any foul language I may use. Let's get to it now: As far I am concerned this firing is a crop of sh** because what A.W said isn't half as bad as some of the stuff that WWE has done. For instance, a couple of weeks ago when Vince Mocked JR  by pretending that he had Bell’s Palsy like Jim Ross legitimately does by attempting to make his face look like he has paralysis in a part of his famous what a joke. Let's keep going how bout even Sheamus stealing Del Rio's car on RAW, oh yah that looks good for the kids sure it does. How about when HHH pretend to have sexual relations with a dead body I mean c'mon no matter if that was PG or not it should not be seen on Live TV. Last one, isn't it a coincidence that 9 years ago when the Kobe Bryant reference that AW made on RAW, it was said when it was relevant on Smackdown during a Rap Battle, with Big Show & John Cena by Big Show. Add Michael Cole into the making fun of Jim Ross & the fact that Cena & Lawler make fun of Vickie's weight. I thought it was "Don't be a Bully Be a Star" well how could they say that when they don't reprimand any of these guys for what they did and said. Can't also forget the Racist comment made by Tensai on Tout a few weeks ago about Sakamoto but again nothing. Yet they fire A.W for one joke about something that hasn't been relevant for 9 years give me a break. That's a Double Standard if I have ever heard one which is something I have made note before that this has existed in WWE for years. But, now that I think about it that's not the only reason why A.W got sent packing it's also because he made a Positive comment about Linda's senate campaign encouraging the fans to vote for her. Apparently it's against company policy to remark Linda's senate running in any way because of his association with WWE. That is the most Ludicrous thing I have heard in quite a while which is a lot of crazy stuff including Angle thinking about running for office in some way. This coming that fact that Linda's Senate opponent already has brought her past up because of the fact she USED to be a part of WWE. First I want to say I am in no way trying to bash Linda I am just saying facts I actually have a lot of Respect for her and what she has done I just think her running for senate is a Big Mistake. By the way take into account her opponent bringing up her history with WWE and her slogan being "A Job Creator" well that could not be further from the truth. It was also rumored that because of the Senate campaign that is the reason why so many talents are coming out pissed off about their pay because they have spent so much on the campaign. Many other names are very pissed right now at WWE for various reasons; report from the Internet sites have varied between 15 to 20 and one even said 60 percent of the roster.

Names range from Hawkins, Ryder, JTG, Miz, Reks, Tatsu, Marella, Swagger, & Numerous other talents including Divas as well. Also news broke last night from a phone call that WZR owner had with two talents from WWE both saying they are close to leaving their names are Matt Cardona & Anthony Carelli. All of those talents have a valid reason to leave the sports entertainment organization because of the fact that ALL the stuff that's surfaced is true; and we know it's because it's not the Dirtsheet writers speculation it's the WRESTLERS coming out and saying it. I think this will only be the beginning with not only the talent leaving but also them lashing out at not only WWE but also at Linda's campaign. I would like to Thank You guys for Reading this & I appreciate the Support for the site. Just to add, I really wish I was wrong about the Double Standard in WWE but this basically prove because forget the part about Linda's campaign being company policy and such cause I think that is very stupid. But the fact A.W got let go for referencing something that transpired 9 years ago and hasn't relevant for at least 7 years is just wrong. Also if you remember I also talked about the double standard in WWE last year when News surfaced the Bourne got suspend but a top talent didn't. Now you probably ask how do they have a double standard if they suspended Orton for violating company policy, well I guarantee if it didn't get out Orton wouldn't have got Suspended but since it did he had to.
I know I express my one sided opinion but How in the Hell could you side with WWE management in this situation when it is DAMN sure obvious that the talent are Right. Also not that it really means a damn thing if I support them but I SUPPORT EVERY SINGLE WWE Star who stands up for what’s right. Thank You


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