Very Aware of the time

I know i never have done a post this late since I began this site last year but I have to build the hype with the firing of Brian Jossie (aka A.W) things are about to get interesting. I will be going on another rant on WWE tomorrow for what just surfaced on the Internet within the last hour. A little taste to what will come later today, I have said WWE had a Double Standard towards some people in the company since I began the site. Things could get very interesting over the next couple of weeks if more talents step up. Which apparently WWE is very scared of & is trying to prevent it anyway they can. Hopefully, JTG's rant starts a snowball effect of other mid-card talents stepping up and speak out about WWE because all things that have surfacing have gotta true because of who they come from. I believe it because it has came from Wrestlers and the more that speak out they all back the first guy which was JTG. I am aware that it's only been JTG & Brian speaking out but I can guarantee their will be more because from what I am hearing they have taken to much for to long.

More to come Tomorrow


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