Cutting it Close

As of the writting it seems like TNA is waiting to last minute to sign Bully Ray & Devon to new contracts with the company. This is strange in my book because of the fact that Ray has been a top heel for the company since he & Devon spilt up. Also Devon has been an asset to TNA since the break up of the team in the mid card singles division. I believe at this point Team 3D's contracts expire early September which is next and as far as I know people from TNA dont have a No-Compete claus in their contacts. Which if thats true that means WWE could sign them a few weeks after their contracts expire. Basically I am trying to say that if they loss these guys it will hurt TNA very much because of how much of an asset these guys have been to the company.

I am keep you guys up to date on this as the expiration date draws closer.


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