That Makes Two

Over the last 24 hours another two superstars were confirmed for WWE 13 which comes out in October of this year. Since this game is based in the Attitude Era we as fans can expect a lot of talents from the past. The two talents that were confirmed for the game are Ken Shamrock & Steve Blackman both men were not in WWE for a long time but did play an important role in said era. Shamrock was with WWE from 97-99 while with the company he won the tag titles with Bossman & the IC title, he also won the 1998 King of the Ring. Also "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman he was with WWE from 1997-2002 while with WWE he won the Hardcore title 6 times & that is really is only accomplishment in WWE.
While apart of WWE both Shamrock & Blackman had a feud with one another through the summer of 99 which lead to a match between the two at Summerslam 99 in a Lions Den Match. Though these guys may not be remembered by fans today Blackman & Shamrock were a integral part of the Attitude Era & I am very happy they are a part of WWE 13

The game hits store shelves on October 20th get your copy cause like the old saying goes "WWF ATTITUDE GET IT"


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