How I Would Book it........ Ken Shamrock's Push

In the year 1998 things really picked up for Ken from the great matches he had with The Rock to the underrated matches he had with Owen Hart. Also one can't forget the 3 man feud he, Rock, & Mankind had. Right now I am going to take you back to the fall of 1998 to show you all How I would have taken Ken's push a step further.
We begin the night after the Breakdown PPV, at the PPV Shamrock was in a Triple Threat Cage match vs Rock & Mankind. The next day I would have Ken take a stab at a heel promo like a simple one maybe just like "Mankind if think the chair shot you got with last night did anything to me you were right it pissed me off & it doesn't help that I am stuck in a smelly, second rate city like Detroit." Later on the show like in real life Shamrock, Rock, & Mankind vs Undertaker & Kane and like in real life Rock def Undertaker. But prior to the match Rock, Shamrock, & Mankind all fought each other until Kane & Taker made their way to the ring. Next Week, Shamrock will face Kane like he did really and will win off the distraction from Taker. 2 Weeks before Judgement Day, that night Ken's a part of the tournament to crown the new IC champion (one night tournament). Round 1 he defeats Steve Blackman; in between his next he is interviewed and says that he has deserved the title for long enough, and that he will not lose tonight no matter how much these people may want him to. Round 2 he faces Val Venis & wins then in the finals he defeats X-Pac to become IC Champ. The week before the PPV Commissioner Slaughter makes Shamrock vs Mankind for the ppv, after words between the two they fight until security breaks them up. At Judgement Day Shamrock retains his title vs Mankind. The next night on RAW Shamrock fought X-Pac in a non-title match which X-Pac and will get a shot at the belt next week on RAW. October 26 edition of RAW, Shamrock defends the IC title vs X-Pac and wins in a good match. Next Week I wouldn't have him compete I would just have him come out, and cut a promo saying that he has nobody to thank but himself for the title win. To continue he would he is happy that he realized these people turned on him because he was sick of trying to make them happy anyway. Next show he would be in the ring vs The Rock who took offense to Ken insulting the people because Rock is the People's Champion. The match would end in DQ after Ken got frustrated that Rocky wouldn't stay down and ended up knocking out the ref.
Next week Vince offers Ken a spot in his Corporation and Ken accepts the spot officially turning Ken heel. Ken enters the WWF title tournament at Survivor Series but is eliminated in Round 2 by The Rock. The next night he teams with Bossman vs Mankind & Vader to try and take out Mankind as a favor for Vince. They win but aren't successful in taking out Mankind as Vader helps him fight them off. Next RAW, Ken Shamrock defends the IC title vs Vader and Vader wins via DQ after Bossman interfered in the match. Post match Bossman and Shamrock assault Vader and injure him after Bossman hit him repeatedly in the chest with his knight stick.
December begins with Steve Blackman vs Shamrock non-title with the Corporation banned from Ringside (as people thought Shamrock couldn't win on his own). The match ends in a draw after time limit had expired but they didn't stop fighting and even after 8 security guards came down still. Until they got Blackman got take to the floor, but then Shamrock snapped and started attack refs and guards. That Sunday on Sunday Night Heat the match is announced Ken Shamrock vs Steve Blackman for the Intercontinental title on the ppv. Shamrock loses the match, but retains the title after the ref reverses his decision giving Blackman the DQ win. The next day Commissioner Michaels announces that Blackman will get one more chance to beat Shamrock in a NO DQ, No time limit match were their must be a winner at the Rock Bottom ppv. At Rock Bottom: Shamrock retained the title vs Steve Blackman in the No Rules, No Time limit match. Next Day, Shamrock & Rock vs Mankind & Blackman in a tag match which the Rock & Shamrock win after Rock pins Blackman. Next week Shamrock pinned Blackman once again non title match to end the feud but was challenged earlier in the card by one half of the former tag champions Billy Gunn, he said he wants a match against the champion. I made the Outlaws lose the gold to Owen Hart & Jeff Jarrett the night after Rock Bottom. Next week Shamrock is with his sister Ryan at ringside during Ken's match vs Droz which he is winning until Gunn makes his way to the ring and distracts Ken as Billy is flirting with Ken's sister. This causes Ken to lose and get pissed at his sister and even more so at Gunn.
Billy comes out next week and says all he wants is an answer to his challenge & he adds by the way Ken your sister is hot. Ken darts down to the ring after Billy and the fight is on then out comes DX and then the Corporation right behind them causing a huge brawl on RAW. Next RAW sees Test, Bossman, & Shamrock vs Road Dogg, X-Pac, & Billy Gunn ends in a double countout when the match got out of control and each team got someone in the team counted out. Earlier in the show Michaels makes the match for the Rumble Shamrock vs Gunn for the Intercontinental title.

On the next edition of How I would Book it....... Ken Shamrock's Push find out if Billy can beat Ken for the Intercontinental title or will Ken retain the title. Also how will Ken get to the next level with The Rock the leader of the Corporation.


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