How I would Book it..........WCCW 1985-1986

Starting in 1985 after that years Cotton Bowl with this show:

Based off what has happened and what hasn’t I would stay away from the Freebirds vs. Von Erich’s feud for at least a year instead I would go in a different direction. Like having:
Saturnday: Rick Rude debut and take out Kevin Von Erich, I would have Embry, Rogers, & Fulton beat The Freebirds in a loser leave Texas Match. That same night I would also have Kerry, Chris, & Lance Von Erich win the 6 man tag titles in a tournament.
Next week Embry, & The Fantastic’s are talking about how they ran the Birds out of Texas and they should be happy they beat the birds and are still World Class but they aren’t. Embry continues and says it’s happened to us all we do something good but then the Von Erich’s do something better and we are sick of it. We will beat the Von Erich’s for their title and prove they aren’t as good as they say they are or as good as all you people think they are. Later in the show Kerry & Lance are facing Bourne & Perez, & Chris is against Rude; after Rude attacked Kevin last week. Rick Rude beats Chris and attempts to take him out but out comes Kerry & Lance. Then the tag match Von Erich’s win but after it Rogers, Fulton, & Embry run out and attack Lance & Kerry this makes it 3 on 2 the show ends with Embry & Fantastics standing tall.
Now into November, on a Saturday night episode it’s made that in 2 weeks there will be an 8 man tag match The Von Erich’s vs Rude, Embry, & The Fantastics. Embry & Rude both are now with Percy Pringle who is their manager & both have The Fantastics are allies to them not with them in the stable. New Brass Knuckles Champion is crowned and it’s Kabuki as he defeats; Bill Irwin. Also John Tatum defends the TV title against Steve Simpson but Tatum wins off the distraction from Missy. (Tatum won the belt in a tournament at the Cotton Bowl in this Booking) Von Erich’s & Embry, Rude, & Fantastics each have promo time.  Next show is Thanksgiving Star Wars show
Saturday: It’s time for the big 8 man match Von Erich’s vs Pringle’s Gang as they call themselves now. Now since I am billing it as a big show I would bring in Abby to fight Blackjack and begin a feud with them.  Also I would have Brian Adias & Iceman Parsons defend their gold Iceman vs Al Perez for the North American Heavyweight title & Adias defends the Texas Heavyweight title vs Nick Kiniski. Heels beat Von Erich’s, Abby vs Blackjack DDQ, Iceman beats Perez & Nick Kiniski vs Brian Adias goes 20 minute Broadway.
Monday: Pringle and his guys are speaking saying they finally got the better of the Von Erich boys but out of nowhere outcome the Von Erich’s and the fight is on. All eight of the guys are going at it all over the Sportatorium. Also made for the Christmas Night show is Adias vs Kiniski for the Texas Heavyweight title with No Time Limit after another Broadway between these two 30 minutes this time. Also made are Kerry, Chris, & Lance vs Eric Embry, Rogers, & Fulton for the 6 Man Tag titles. Tonight Gino Hernandez & Chris Adams back in action after the Cotton Bowl shaves and they are against Lance & Chris. The Dynamic Duo win after Pringle runs in and distracts the Von Erich’s. Also on this show Adais def Magic Dragon, Abby def Blackjack, King Parsons def Perez via DQ, Rude fought Kerry & Kerry won after Kevin distracted Rude but then Embry, & Rude fought with the Von Erich and as the show went off all hell breaks loses.


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