Week News

Over the last couple of days news has suffered that 60% of the WWE roster is frustrated in some way with the Sport Entertainment organization. I have heard many reasons why weather it's pay, tv time, or merchandise sales. Like with what I mention yesterday they dont fairly distribute the money earned from merchandise sales.
Also not many may know this but WWE Hall of Famer Edge is not under contract with WWE anymore not even a legends contract with the company. Edge's contract expired earlier this year and has not been renewed. The Rated R Superstar has been under contract with WWE since mid 1997 it has been 15 years since Edge wasn't a WWE star.
More current TNA stars could be on their way out and I am speaking of Bully Ray (Brother Ray) & Devon. They have been with TNA since 2005 and since then have also taken up roles backstage as an agent or working with young guys. Either way they both have helped TNA very much over the last few years. Their contracts dont't expire for another 3 weeks but Ray is diappointed that TNA has waited this long to renegoitate the former teams contracts.
WWE has also signed French wrestler Tom La Ruffa to a developmental deal earlier this week. Nicknamed the French Stallion, La Ruffa was former student of ex-WWE star Lance Storm. Also La Ruffa has appeared prior to his siging for WWE as he was apart of a handicap match on Smackdown back in November vs Big Show.


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