Summerslam Hype: HHH vs Brock Lesnar

I think this has been a very well hyped match, I will even go as far to say it has been one of the best hyped matches in quite a while. But I think it could have been done a little better in the way that it would have had to seemed so rushed like it was. I think I feel that way because it took a little time for the feud to really take off and get from point A to point B. The reason for that though is because of Brock's deal having an apperance limit which is why they brought in Paulie. I feel this is the right place to say that I think this feud has been good because it's really been based on Anticpation which is always a good characistic to base a feud around.
I am just saying it's a different type of feud for WWE because they usually don't take the kind of time they have taken with this feud to establish the story. I am just saying it took a little to long for some fans watching the feud develop it took a little long to get from Point A to Point B. By the way with Summerslam on Sunday I figured why not hype the match here is a hype video for it featured below.

Note on How I would Book it........ Raven's WCW Career, I am well aware usually two days after putting up the background I post the actual storylines but I am a little establishing some stories that would fit Raven so for right now it's postponed till I figured out a couple of angles for Raven.


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