Background: How I would Book it...... WCCW 85-86

I am aware this is a bit of a stretch as to how many people may want to read about this but I was interested in it and decide to do it. Also some of you may be shocked by a few of the superstars who were in WCCW at one point.
In 1986, WCCW hit it's toughest year to date as that is the year which Ken Mantell who was their booker at the time took talent and went to the UWF. Also it was the year they lost Gino Hernandez & severed ties with NWA. They did remain active after this but they never really recovered from all these loses. So now join me as I go back in time to a year before this death sentence year starting in the fall of 1985 and I will book all the way to October the next year finishing at the Cotton Bowl. Relive the glory age of wrestling, when territories were still around and the business was protected & hopefully learn about an era that few know a lot about. Find out how I use the NWA to my advantage, see I work in conjunction with the other territories to my advantage.
Unfortunately to keep this real instead of fantasy, Gino will pass away in early 1986. With the Von Erich’s being absent from TV for quite a while I am sure your wondering were they are well Kevin, Kerry, & Chris are all out of the ring for now helping Fritz backstage & learning. Now in a perfect world I would say they wouldn’t die but once again it would be fantasy if I did that. I feel no sense in just putting them in their if they aren’t going to be in the big feud so I brought back the Birds the show I take them off TV.

Feel free to post what you think of the series as this is going to be one of the longer ones I do. Also feel free to make suggestions to what you think I could in the series as well, as I am always looking for suggestions.


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