Calling WWE Calling WWE

Last night WWE Superstar JTG went on a rant on Twitter about his discontent with World Wrestling Entertainment. I will not mention any part of his rant on Twitter last as to not attract any attention to JTG. Well once I found out I went off on the WWE as JTG is right and needs to be supported by his co-workers & fans because without us there will be no change. Well now here is my opinion on this situation, first I want to say from what Shad said on Twitter last night that I agree 100% with him as I said above. Anymore information on this situation i will post it here or you can visit
Here are my thoughts on what JTG said:

I am talking about people like Hawkins, Baretta, Hennig, Kidd, Riley, JTG, Reks they have talent but WWE doesn't let them show off their talent because they have their guys and don't believe in them for some reason or another
I hope more guys step up because it needs to come cause I don't know about you but I am sick of people with talent being taken for granted because WWE cares more about entertaining then allowing people with talent to show off and move up the card instead of staying in the same place. Because in this sport it is all about turnover & motivation if you don't have it then the morale will die with it. Also it doesn't help matter's that WWE is scripting every single thing for every single guy no freedom, & leaves no room for creativity which is needed in wrestling. I want to tell you guys a story about something from the territory days specifically in San Francisco which was booked by Roy Shire. I read this in the Bill Watts autobiography where he said that "Roy booked every promo the way he thought it should never listening to what the stars want." This isn't right the thing that has been lost in the past 5 years is Creative doesn't know what the Superstars should be better then the actual guys who are the Superstars because this isn't Managements Business it has and always will be the WRESTLERS business
But that's the point I am trying to make JTG is right that people are to scared to step up, and show discontent with management because they don't want to lose out on a great job. Because they think speaking out is out but I blame WWE for not giving the guys the freedom they deserve and need to expand their characters to the point where they can step up like Austin or Rock did way back.
One more thing this rant has ties into the payouts that were given apparently yesterday at some point & once again the offical payouts are something I will not write but they were low. Also like JTG mentioned in the post he is one of MANY people disatisfied with WWE so far we know him and Zack Ryder. Who is disatisfied about merchandise & not being on TV even though he is in the top 5 in merchandise sales, top 5 in most followed stars on all social media sites. Let's put it this way Ryder is in the top 5 of merchandise sales only gets a small amount of sales from merchandise. Then looking at the other guys in the top 5 they get a much much larger amount of the sales from merch.
I am in no way trying to hurt JTG, Ryder, or anyone elses chances to return after all this is settled I am just getting the news out their. Because it's like what Shad said about his former partner "Bravery is being the only one who know's your afraid but still fighting for what's right. Thank you


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