How I would book It Conclusion...... WCCW 1985-1986

In conclusion:

I think this would have helped the WCCW stay afloat for a few more years that is saying that all this worked out the way I pictured it and wrote it out. Answer one question you might be thinking yes I would leave the NWA but not till after I had Tully drop the gold. Also as they always say never have nothing new to do after a big show well I have new things I can do with Kerry holding the future World title & a feud between Mike & Buddy coming. Can’t also forget the assumed momentum that John Tatum has gotten from his feud with Tully made myself a new star as long I continue to play my cards right. In the end truth be told if only WCCW would done it kind of like I did, or even different just changed it up by that I mean don’t depend on the Von Erich boys to draw all the people, & don’t depend on The Boys vs the Birds to bring the crowd 3 or 4 years into the feud the fans need a break. Now I have one question if you have seen all the parts or even most of them do you agree with how I booked WCCW, what would you have done different or the same just tweaked a little I hope to hear from you. Thanks hope you all enjoyed reading as much as enjoyed doing it.
 Parts are below Just in Case:
Thanks again all


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