
I apologize but I can't think of enough compelling stories to do a How I would Book it on Raven's WCW Career so I will not be doing it. I will also be taking down the Background information on the subject to not confuse anyone to think I am doing it when I unfotuately picked to tough of a subject to do. It's just that the gimmick Raven had could go well with some people in WCW that were top guys like Sting, Luger, Flair, & Page but I would have to build him up to face them. Then again there's also people like Kanyon, Saturn, Kidman, Other Flock memebers that he can feud with and doesn't have to be built up to face them.
But because I can't I guess figure a way to get Raven from Mid-Card to Main Event I am not able to do the post. Because I mean to do it just to do it is defeating the purpose of this blog series I do it because I feel good about what I write but with this subject I can't think of enough to do. So I unfortuately have to say I will not be doing this topic in How I would Book it. Thank You and hope you understand..


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