Spring Cleaning Coming Early!!!!

As of this writing there are rumors going through WWE that Zack Ryder could be on his way out of WWE not only with other people but he could be asking for his release in the very near future. As he has hinted on more then one occasion that he is frustrated with how WWE has been using him. At first it boiled over back in the Summer with the mid card guys but now since nothing has changed Ryder and others have adopted the "I don't give a s***" attitude when it comes to if they get fired or not. Once again I don't know everyone all I know is that it is a lot of the mid-card & divas who feel they are not being valued as good as they should be. Ryder has said it on his Youtube show Z True Long Island Story that WWE dropped the ball with him and that 2012 sucked for him. Which I agree with both statements I mean it was the perfect opportunity for WWE to push someone new but they instead botched it and made him lose all of his momentum. For one reason he wasn't push by WWE creative he got himself over; that should be rewarded not punished c'mon WWE.

Also on yesterday episode of Z True Long Island Story that Ryder posted not the one that WWE did, Ryder said that he will end his show before WWE kills it. Because, he said that WWE took the video down and edited out the last segment. Also Ryder said this on New Years Eve on twitter “No reason for me to watch the ball drop tonight…I lived through the ball being dropped with me all year.” If we think back to the Summer when this new first started coming out, Ryder and all the others had valid reasoning to be pissed and want change. I mean Ryder is the in the top 5 merchandise sellers in the WWE and makes less then 5% from Merch. When Cena & Rey who are also in the top 5 make 10% or plus. It's crazy & unfair, if these guys do quit then it will make WWE behind the scene more interesting then what they have on TV.

For the full story about this and anything more regarding this visit this link http://www.wzronline.com/wrestling-news/exclusive-could-zack-ryder-be-leaving-wwe.html


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