Update on Team 3D

Earlier this week I mentioned that TNA is cutting it close with the renegoitating of the former 22 time Tag champions but now I have an update on the situation. At last word it doesn't look to promising that either Dudley Boy will resign with TNA because of how long they waited. From the news I read it seems like Devon will be leaving first, from what he posted on a Social Media site thanking the fans and TNA for making the last 7 years fun. Bully Ray however is one of the particpants in the BFG Series and has from what I understand agreed to stay till October which put it around BFG. So if this true then I would expect Devon to be losing the TV title to someone in the near future. Also I dont see Bully winning BFG Series because he is leaving. Now that I think about it Bully would probably be staying till the Aces & Eights Angle ends whenever it might end because he is a big part of it. But I assume they would probably end the mystery at Bound for Glory since it's your biggest PPV.
I think this a big mistake for TNA because even though it may not seem like it but both Bully & Devon will leave a big whole in the TNA roster. Because Bully is a top heel for the company & Devon has worked with the young guys helping them in the ring on house shows. If I found out exactly when they are leaving I will tell you but at this point I don't know.


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