Update: BFG Standings

Here are the Updated standings of the BFG Series:

* James Storm – 66 points
* Samoa Joe – 54 points
* Kurt Angle – 48 points
* Mr. Anderson – 40 points
* Jeff Hardy – 35 points
* Rob Van Dam – 35 points
* Daniels – 33 points
* Bully Ray – 28 points
* Magnus – 21 points
* A.J. Styles – 16 points
* The Pope – 7 points
* Robbie E. – 5 points

I think from how it looks now either Joe or Storm will win the series as they both have been in the top of the standings for the entire series. I also think TNA should have been using they as a way to bring new faces into the World title picture like Magnus. Because, he has the talent to be in the title picture, but just needs to the push. Also I think they could have picked someone better then Robbie E to be apart of this series because what has he done to even be apart of the series.


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