How I Would Book It...........WCCW Part 2 1985-1986

At the beginning of this I really am not that organized because I really didn't know how to do it so I just wrote down everything I would put in one show. As we continue you'll notice I am a lot more organized with the shows & anything else.
Next Week is centered on both Kiniski vs Adias feud and Parsons North American Title as his title caught the attention of Rude. Kiniski cuts a promo saying “That Adias should just give him the Texas Title because even though he isn’t from Texas he knows,  it would be better that a Canadian holds the belt instead of a dirty, rotten, Texan.” What proof he has is that his name is Kiniski which means he is the best just ask his dad Gene Kiniski. Rude challenges Parsons for the gold and he beats Iceman even with Kevin trying to stop him from wining but Embry stopped Kevin. Now Rude is the North American Heavyweight champion. Also on that show is Chris Adams & Gino def Tommy Rogers & Bobby Fulton. Kabuki def Terry Taylor
3 weeks before Christmas Star Wars Special there is a Battle Royal with (Von Erich’s, Rude, Embry, Rogers, Fulton, Adams, Hernandez, Kiniski, Adias, Mulligan, and Abby) Kabuki defends Brass Knuckles title vs Matt Bourne (after Percy’s turned on Bourne and sided with Kabuki.) Top heels are Pringle boys (Embry, Rude, & Kabuki) also Rogers & Fulton, Kiniski, & Tatum, Adams & Hernandez. The top Faces are Von Erich’s, Adias, Parsons, Simpson, and the NWA Champion. Also I would bring in Flair to vs John Tatum with Missy Hyatt (because I think Tatum has a bright future). I would have Kabuki vs Borne end when Kabuki spits the Green mist in Borne’s eyes then the ref says Borne can’t continue because of it. Flair over Tatum even after Hyatt tries a distraction but Flair gives her a kiss, then moves as he hears Tatum coming rolls him up for the 3.Parsons & Kevin Von Erich eliminate Rude, Kerry eliminates Rogers, Fulton gets Lance over, Chris gets out by Embry but then Kerry & Chris both get out by Dynamic Duo. This leaves Kiniski, Abby, Mulligan, Adias, Dynamic Duo, & Kevin in the ring. Pringle & Rude comeback down and out goes Kevin off the distraction. Kiniski, Adias, Abby, Adams, Mulligan get eliminated and Gino wins.
2 Weeks before X-Mas show Hernandez now in a single match vs Adias Non Title (Adias wins) & Rude, Embry, & Kabuki vs Kevin, Kerry, & Borne (Borne over Kabuki). Also I make Tatum cut a promo about Ric Flair saying he can’t believe that Ric would lay his hands on a women and not take the man’s vengeance instead he runs back to Mid Atlantic. He continues by saying he hopes never to see him back again if he does Flair will be sorry because nobody kisses Missy but him. Tatum also defends the belt against Scott Casey but gets DQ’ed when Tully runs in. Adams would go against Rip Oliver & Also Mulligan would squash Garvin
Week before the Big Show, Adams vs Garvin steals show people start thinking that Adams and Hernandez will break up tease it. Borne vs Embry, Adias & Kevin vs Rude & Kiniski, and Tully would cut a promo on John Tatum saying Tatum isn’t in the league of the Horseman and he needs to learn respect, what better way to teach respect then to give you a Texas sized ass kicking by Texas’s favorite sun me Tully Blanchard. Then Tatum comes out and says If Tully think he can teach John anything then he’s crazy and Tatum will prove it if Tully is man enough to fight him at the Christmas show. Borne wins after Kabuki goes to do the mist on Borne but he ducks and Kabuki hits Embry. Also tag match Rude & Kiniski beat Kevin & Adias, Kiniski pins Adias. Also Mulligan, Kerry, & Chris vs Fantastics & Abby things get out of hand and it’s Count-out all around. I would do the same programs for every town just mix it up so Fort Worth & may see one big angle with Rude & Kevin as the top, then Amarillo may see the 6 man titles as the top angle. But then in San Antonio Tully & John have the top program when the other two aren’t on the card but Dallas would have all the big angles going on at once. By this I mean maybe on one TV show not every angle would be featured only when I taped at the Sportatorium

Card for the Christmas Star Wars Show
Terry Taylor def Butch Reed
Arm Wrestling Match
Ted Aridici def Tony Atlas
Brass Knuckles Title

(c) Great Kabuki (w/ Percy Pringle) def Matt Borne
(Distraction from Pringle & then post match Gary Hart makes his return)

Blackjack Mulligan def Abdullah the Butcher

No Time Limit for Texas Heavyweight title

Brian Adias (c) def Nick Kiniski

Rock N Roll Express def Adams & Hernandez

WCCW TV Title Match

(c) John Tatum def Tully Blanchard
Use of a foreign object to win knocking Tully out

World 6 Man Tag Titles

Eric Embry, Tommy Rogers, & Bobby Fulton def Kerry, Kevin, & Lance Von Erich (c)

North American Title

Kevin Von Erich def Rick Rude (c)


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