Background: How I would book it..... Ken Shamrock's Push

Way back if my match is correct 13 years ago during the Attitude Era, everyone on the WWE roster was getting a reaction good or bad, big or small everyone was getting one. One of those people were former UFC World Champion, The World's Most Dangerous Man Ken Shamrock. I've seen is matches from 1998 and have heard the reaction he got as both a Face & a Heel. I believe they had all the intention of pushing him far but because of his lack of charisma it tailed off and he just stayed in the mid-card. I think there was a way for Ken to get into the Main Event level while covering his lack of Mic Skills. Because all through 1998 Ken was getting a reaction whether boos or cheers he got a reaction a good one at that. Because of that he found his way into the Corporate Team in late 98 early 99 lead by the company's top heel Vince McMahon. See How I Would Have Booked a Main Event Push for Ken Shamrock in year 1998. Also you will be able to join me in a Journey back to wrestling's modern golden age of sorts the Attitude Era specifically in September of the year 1998 and I will continue to book until June 1999.


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