We got a problem

I just found out that my computer's keyboard is broken and I have to send it out to get fixed so I will still be posting but I possibly not as much because of it. Please still support the site during this rough time that should not be a problem because you guys always do and I thank you for that. Now is when I can ask if anyone feels like helping out right now if you do want to just send me a message on facebook or twitter or you can comment on the post and tell me. I require nothing just as long as you tell me you want to and note its just temporary base for right now while my computer is being fixed. Just consider it a more in depth persepective on the companies that I don't know a lot of information about them. I will still Be doing the some of the posts but if you want to then we will sort out who does what then and i am not looking for a lot of people but it won't hurt to see the turn out. I will do another post when I get my computer back and what happens next as times keep changing so will my site.


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