This day in Westling History

Today is a very special day for a company that I may not like but this still is considered a big day for them as today they had their first ppv Victory Road 2004. This ppv was headlined by Jeff Jarrett vs Jeff Hardy in a Ladder Match for the TNA world title. Also it showed two reasons why TNA was the alternative to WWE and that was shown in their first & seventh matches. The first match was a 20 Man Battle Royal showing off all the talent from the X-Division & for the World X-Cup. This match was won by Hector Garza after he and Kaz were the last two Garza pinned Kaz for the win. Two other matches I feel that are important were the Monsters Ball Match between Monty Brown, Raven, & Abyss. I feel it was important cause it showed a different match type that most fans were unacustomed to. One of the more anticipated matches on the card was the tag team Last Man Standing Match between XXX & AMW this was an important match because it lead to the cage match in december. This Match was also important cause it showed another reason why TNA was the alternative & that was thanks to them spotlighting the Tag Team division. The Main Event saw Jeff Hardy face Jeff Jarrett for the World Title. During this match Kevin Nash & Scott Hall came down to help Jarrett retain the gold. That lead to the formation of the Kings of Wrestling in TNA but this also lead to a 6 person tag team match at the next ppv which would be the last match for the person who debuted at the end of the show. And that person was the Macho Man Randy Savage he teamed with Hardy & Styles vs Nash, Hall, & Jarrett but after that match Savage retired permanetlly.

This day 7 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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