This day in Westling History

This day 8 years ago the wrestling world unfortuatly lossed another talented performer he was known for his antics in WWE as the Hardcore Champion i am talking about Crash Holly. Crash real name Mike Lockwood debuted in a local Bay Area promotion in 1989 where he fought until 1994. Originally Michael Modest one of his trainers & Crash were pegged to join ECW being signed by Taz but he only had a breif stint their because of try-out match he got with the WWE and recieved a contract. After 6 months in WWE development he debuted on WWE TV in August of 99 as Hardcore Holly's cousin. As a team they were more so used to put over the more established teams on RAW & at ppv's, until October 18th 1999 when Hardcore & Crash def Rock n Sock Connection on RAW. On February 24, 2000 Crash def Test to win his first Hardcore Title & made the Hardcore title 24-7. He went on to hold the Hardcore title 22 times in the time the title was in existence. His next milestone came on the March 18th episode of Heat against Dean Malenko when won the Lightheavyweight title. He held the title for a month before losing it to the debuting Jerry Lynn. In mid 2000 he defeated William Regal for the European title at Rebellion but lost the title back to him 2 days later. After his release from WWE he went to TNA this in 2003 only wrestled 2 matches for the company before his death. Mike died this day 8 years ago from what is being called now a suicide the wrestling company New Breed Wrestling Association made the Mick Lockwood memorial tournament. The first one was won by Michael Modest someone who had a hand in training Crash.

God Bless Crash Holly he is Missed & will always be remembered as the "Houdini of Hardcore"
This day 8 Years Ago


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