Thank You All

Today I went in to look at the stats for my site and the range is at 100-200 from 112 views today leaving total so far at 127 & this post is to thank all of you for the support you have given me for this site. I am making this definite now that if I do even half this good again I will be opening this up to an actual site. Thank You I value all of your opinions cause it's opinions that make this site run the blog post are based my opinion and of my prior knowledge. I also use Wzronline & NODQ to get some ideas for posts & I use wikipedia to help me write things like a majority of the This day in Wrestling History & History of: ????. I take pride in the knowledge that I have memorized about this business & i also take pride in the opportunity i am getting to share my knowledge of this sport. This make me seem like less of cool guy & more of a nerd but i don't really care, I love this business & I am not afraid to show my knowledge & my thoughts on this profession. I have said this a lot but i cant express it enough the gratitude i have for all these views thank you so much I think Ryan Clark said it best "you guys are great." In closing if you saw it on my page WrestlingEvolution education on Facebook i said more likes more expansion well i am going to change that to more views more expansion.


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