This day in Westling History

Today is another special day for a memeber of the main event this sunday more specifically the one who hasnt wrestled in 7 years more specifically then that his name is The Rock. To add to an already big night Rock's debut, HBK vs Psyho Sid for the WWF Title, Austin vs Hart 1, Undertaker vs Mandkind these matches where apart of Survivor Series 96. Out of the 4 matches i mentioned the first on the card was Mandkind vs Undertaker even though their was No special stipulation still any time these guys get together there always a lot of history. Undertaker won the match the next match on the card was the elimination tag team match involving the debuting Rocky Maivia. Rock's team had him, Marc Mero, Jake Roberts, & The Stalker (Barry Windum) they fought HHH, Jerry Lawler, Crush, & Goldust; Rock won the match he was the sole survivor for his team as well great way to start your career in WWE. The next match was one of the more anticpated matches Steve Austin vs Bret Hart this match had been building for the past few months this feud is suppose to be the feud to make Austin the real deal. But on this night the Hitman wins the match, the main event at this ppv was Shawn Michaels with Jose Lothario vs Psyho Sid for the WWF Title. After Sid hit Jose with a TV camera he capitalized by hitting the powerbomb on Shawn Michaels who was more worried about Jose then losing the belt. Which did happen Sid won the title but then lost it before the end of the year to Bret Hart.
This day 15 years ago If You Smellll What The Rock is Cookin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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