PPV Predictions

Turning Point

(c) Mexican America & Sarita vs Ink Ink & Toxinn
this will be an average match at best i am still not sold on the in ring skills of Neal, Hernandez & Anarquia so think will probably be the low light of the show. I am going to go the same way as I did with Bound For Glory I am going with Ink Ink it just seems like their time they have been a team long enough to get the gold to prove they are a good enough team.
(c) Eric Young vs Robbie E
Rob will probably have Terry at ringside with him to but really wont matter only if they do the right thing and even though EY is a better wrestler than TNA gives him credit for & more entertaining than most people on the roster I still dont see the view of the TV title improving until they get the belt off EY and Rob would be the perfect guy to give it to
(c)Velvet Sky vs Gail Kim
even though both these Knockouts are two of the most talented women in wrestling this match wont be as long or as good as it could be. I dont see them having another title change for this belt even though it is Gail Kim still i think Velvet retains the title.
Crimson vs Matt Morgan
this should be a better match than the first 3 because of the fact they are heavily pushing crimson and if you dont want people to think of Morgan as a joke then you dont make it seem like a squash match. Even though I believe Morgan should win because he deserves the win here I think they are going to have Crimson win to continue his "Goldberg" esque Unbeaten streak only difference is the fans were behind Goldberg
(c) Austin Aries vs Jesse Sorensen vs Kid Kash
This should be a highlight of the show but it wont be because they are cruseweight division and arent marque guys even though they could be. At least Kash & Aries could be main eventers i dont know yet about Jesse I havent seen enough of him. I am going to go with Aries as the winner because it seems more like Kash & Sorensen are feuding and Austin is just in it cause he the champion the winner A double
Mr. Anderson & Abyss vs Bully Ray & Scott Steiner
I believe Gunner should have been in this match instead of Scotty because it been a while since Gunner competed and you need to keep the young guys learing & get them better. But thats not the case & with that i am going with the good guys to win the match because Immortal needs to be taken down a little bit
Rob Van Dam vs Christopher Daniels
this should be a very good match to as its something new and thats a start but now it just needs the time to be really good but i dont see it getting enough time. I see Daniels getting the win because it seems like they are pushing him for one more heel run and he needs the momentum that this one would give
Jeff Jarrett vs Jeff Hardy
this is one of the matches that will occupy a majority of the time tonight because of all the hype behind it from Hardy & Jeff. I am going to go with Jeff Hardy because tonight it the real test as this is his first match back on ppv tonight is when we see if he really is over his problem
(c) Bobby Roode vs AJ Styles
this is the other match that should occupy the other sum of time for the ppv even though AJ is hurt this match should go a decent amount of time. Though i would like to see AJ as world champion again still I would think Roode would retain the gold to keep some prestiege with the World Title after the amount of times its been defend over the last couple of weeks.

These are my predictions what yours see you next time for ROH Glory By Honor X


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