Post PPV thoughts

In reality the only two matchEs I got wrong were the main event Tag team match and the WWE title match as well. I said that del rio & Awesome truth would win the matches but they didn't which means that CM Punk is the new WWE Champion & Cena & The Rock won the main event. I am happy about two things one being Punk is the world champion because he has deserved the title back for a while now. Also I am kinda excited to see what they do with him as champion because, he is a talented star who uses freedom of speech to it's fullest extent. Now on to the main event Cena & Rock vs Awesome Truth it's good that rock won and not Cena but it's not good that they won to begin with if they plan to keep Miz & Truth together then they should have won. But on the hand it was very funny hearing John Cena get baiscally booded out of MSG even their is nothing that will happen because of it I mean its not like Cena is going to turn heel before mania because he is Vince's golden boy. Nothing bad can happen to him but then again Rock was getting Bood they turned him heel and don't give me that it was different then the company man wasn't higher than everyone else like now. Rock & Cena can have a good match together but only if Cena puts Rock over.

Look for this title tommorrow Company Man Above All


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