PPV Predictions

Glory by Honor X

Michael Elgin vs Adam Cole vs Mike Bennett vs Grizzly Redwood
Elgin will have Truth at ringside & Bennett will have Bob at ringside but both those guys dont impact my guess as with or with out them i am going with Michael Elgin. After just winning SotF last night Elgin has all the momentum in the world & i dont think anyone can derail it
Jimmy Jacobs (w/ Steve Corino) vs Tomasso Ciampa (The Embassy)
this match will be a little better then a squash match but i dont see Jimmy winning & therefore The Dominent Male will get another win tonight
Eddie Edwards vs Kyle O' Riley
this will be a good match because it seems to me Kyle is steeping out his shell first having a good match with Roddy a couple of weeks ago on TV this is the next step. Since Eddie did injure Kyle a couple of months ago in that Tag match Kyle is probably looking for some revenge thats why i think Kyle gets a surprise win tonight
Briscoe Brothers vs Young Bucks
this is going to be a good match as these are two of the top teams in wrestling today the briscoes are looking for win tonight but so are the Bucks because a win tonight would put them right back in title contention. Even though the Briscoes probably will win tonight i am going with the Bucks cause they have yet to lose since coming back to ROH in June
Proving Ground Match
Jay Lethal vs Roderick Strong (w/ Truth Martini)
another good match on the show this is why ROH is better then TNA they give unproven talents chance vs top tier talents like this match. Since i know tonight will not be full of upsets i am going with Roddy getting the win tonight cause with Truth at ringside he's already got the advantage
(c)Shelton Benjamin & Charilie Hass vs All Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus)
This match will make or break ANX as this is their chance to prove they are the real deal and not just a flash that has already fizzled out. In my opinion ANX vs Briscoes has been the feud of the year if not second in the voting but i think its over between them thats why my pick is World's Greatests to win the match
ROH World Title
(c) Davey Richards vs El Genrico
this has all the makings of the match of the night but i dont think it will be because Genrico isnt a Main Event level guy who can stay their he can be their sometimes not all the time which is needed for a world champion. Davey is if not the he is one of the Best Wrestlers all around in the World & no offsense to Genrico but i dont see Davey losing this one
This is the last ppv before Final Battle in December live in Manhattan Davey or Genrico vs Eddie Edwards for the World Title
Next Time for the ppv predictions is tommorrow for the 25 Suvivor Series Never Before Never Again


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