Scouting Report

Michael Elgin

good in ring
decent on mic

Best Possible Feuds: Crimson, Richards, Show, Mysterio, Styles

The beast from North of the Border "Unbreakable" Michael Elgin, he is getting better it seems like every time he gets in the ring more depth to his moveset. I also think the pairing with him and Martini is very very good because Elgin cant really talk and though he is annoying Truth still does a great job of putting over his clients. He has fought basically all over the US & Canada from ROH, AAW, ECWA, etc he has been gaining alot of experience. Elgin though i am not aware of his age what ever company he is in has a gold mind with him i think he could make an indy company famous if he does get the ball to early.
I said the same thing about Rasche Brown but I was wrong cause Brown wasn't the complete package Michael Elgin is. He is still developing already good in ring skills & he has Truth to speak for him during promos. I see lots of money in the future of Elgin but only if he & the promoters play their cards right and not push him to hard to fast. Look back at some of the big guys that didn't get to much to fast and stayed at the top Nash, Vader, Batista, Undertaker, Kane, Show, Andre, etc. Which the companies he is in now are pushing him slow enough not to end up like Atlas, Goldberg, Crimson, Lesnar, Morgan getting to much to fast. Now he is the current AAW Hertiage Champion which their second most prestigious title & usually when you win that the world title is your future. Also he & Roderick Strong are feuding with Edwards & Richards in ROH which also giving him experience.


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