Dudley's Coming Back

D-Von Dudley recently did an interview with Hit the Ropes were he discussed a variety of topics one of them being a possible return for him and Bubba to the WWE. Team 3D's contracts expire next August & they are open to leaving TNA if two things happend WWE says they want them back & enough fans say they want to see them back. This would really help the WWE get the tag team division back on the map getting these guys because they are such a great team with some much history. Speaking of history let's look back at their WWE history they are former 8 time World Tag Team Champions, former WWE Tag Team Champions, they particpated in the first Triangle Ladder Match, & the first 2 TLC Matches ever. Also they made tables famous in the WWE before them putting baiscally everyone through tables their was really any wooden tables broken in WWE except for the announcers table occasionally. The Dudley's are one of if not the greatest tag team ever & if WWE is serious about getting their tag team divison back to the staus of actual meaning something then why not get these guys if you can. Though they are not together now in TNA they are still tag team because you maybe able to "break" them up but you will never really break up the Dudley Boys.

With that I say "OH MY BROTHER TESTIFY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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