This day in Westling History

With Survivor Series only 5 days away & since The Rock is a huge part of it this year why do a post about a special day in his career which just so happens to have been this day 13 years ago. Survivor Series 98 called the Deadly Game this saw a one night tournament for the vacant WWF World Title. The only two non tournament matches on that show were Sable vs Jacqueline for the Women's Title & New Age Outlaws vs Henry & D-Lo vs Headbangers for the tag team titles. In these matches Sable won the women's title & the Outlaws retained the Tag Team gold. The show was also big because it saw Mandkind apart of the Corporation with Vince & Shane but then the main event rolled around which saw sort of fan favorite Rock vs tweener Mandkind. Tweener is a guy who is a heel on TV but still gets cheered by the people anyway like when Sting joined the Main Event Mafia. Well with Vince & Shane at ringside at little before the end of the match The Rock puts Mandkind in the sharpshooter then Vince calls for the bell thereby repeating what happend a year ago screwing Mandkind out of the World Title & Rock turning heel. Then Austin comes out and attacks both Mandkind & Rock this night starts two feuds that in my opinion helped WWE win, Austin vs Rock & Mandkind vs Rock.

This day 13 years ago


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